Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tucson: Day 5

Up around 830am or so. Monica got ready for class and I finished packing and getting organized to come home. Of course we played a final game of Yahtzee!
Off to the Tucson International Airport around 12 noon. We said our goodbyes, which wasn't terribly sad, since Monica will be back for Christmas break in about a month.
The one thing I will miss is the weather! It was so beautiful there. Temperatures were in the 70's during the day, but did dip into the 40's during the night. The sun was shining, it was just beautiful.
Imagine how I felt when flying to Minneapolis when I see snow on the ground! And then when flying to Des Moines, it's snowing in the air! Luckily, the snow was staying in the air, and was just drizzling on the ground.
I landed a little after 8pm, called Andrew and he came and picked me up. Now it is back to the "same old story, brand new day."