Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have decided to resign as the Nursery Coordinator at Jordan Creek Family Church. I have held that position for 3 years now, since the church was founded. I have enjoyed it immensly, but I feel it is time for me to move on. Other things in my life are happening and I need to focus on them. I also need to be in service more. I haven't been in service much over the past three years and most people in the congregation don't know me unless they have children in the nursery. It will be hard to leave. I have seen so many children grow up. I know I will cry my last Sunday, but God has great things in store for me and I can't wait to see what they are.


Lori Eilers said...

Morgan, God bless you for so faithfully serving! You were a HUGE blessing to me and I know to all the families of JCFC. I'm glad you are obeying the Lord in this tough need a time of refreshing! Love ya!

Angela said...

You were such a blessing to our family!! I can hardly believe Jadyn was only 10 months old when we started attending jcfc!! I know God will bless tou for all your hard work and dedication to our babies!

Anonymous said...

Mo, my kids love you!! I can't believe you have had Kaitlyn since she was a wee babe! God bless you for all you have done, your tireless service to our children, and the grace with which you did it. I know my kids are going to miss singing and hearing Bible stories with you!