Saturday, March 22, 2008

Finally some sleep!

Since Tuesday night at 8pm I had slept only 12 hours until Friday night at 9pm. Didn't get much sleep. My hours got changed at work this week and I was coming in at 11pm, which one would think I would get more sleep, but I didn't.
After working Tuesday night, I had a committee meeting to go to, which lasted until 1030am. Instead of going home and going to bed, I decided I would stay up all day and get a ton of stuff done, then go to bed early Wednesday night. WRONG. I did get homework and laundry done, cleaned the kitchen, ran to Costco, and got all the garbage out for Thursday. At 430pm I laid down on the couch and slept off and on til around 640 pm when I got up to eat supper. Well right at 707pm the hospital called. I freak out thinking I was scheduled to work and I was late. Not exactly. Someone on night shift had called in and Gina wanted to know if I would come in at 11pm. I said, "Gina I have only had 2 hours of sleep today, I don't think I can." Then came the begging and pleading, so I said, "Let me talk to Andrew." So I did and I thought I should go in because we did buy textbooks for school and some other extras, but he wasn't so sure. I told him I would go anyway. So I called Gina back and she said she only needed me for 4 hours because Cindy would work the other 4. I chose to work 11p to 3a. which ended up being 4 am because we did a c-sections around 230am. Then I slept from 5-830am. Hoping to sleep at least til 11am because I had another committee meeting to go to. So I went to that, did some other things and laid down on the couch around 4pm. slept off and on until 7 when Andrew and I made some leftovers to eat. Just to tired to cook. Oh, and I was on-call from 3p-7p also and was going to be on-call from 3a-7a Friday morning. At 9pm I went to bed, with my cell phone in case the hospital called. So there I am sleeping so soundly in bed, when I wake up to hear Andrew snoring. I try to rouse in a little to make him stop, but it doesn't work. So I go to sleep on the couch, at 2am!!! And the best part, I couldn't fall back asleep. So only another 4 1/2 hours of sleep that day. Luckily I didn't get called to the hosptial. Last night I finally went to bed at 9pm. Didn't hear Andrew come home friends' house. Slept great til 4am. I slept for 7 hours. It was awesome!!!
Today is still busy, going to exercise, then heading off to the Iowa State Women's game at Wells Fargo with some friends from work. Then I need to continue to work on my paper. If anyone has some thought on bioethical principle, drop me a line.


Jena said...

Morgan how do you do it!?! I am always amazed at how little sleep you get and how much stuff you are able to do!

Anonymous said...

okay, now i am tired--phew!!